
At St Cuthbert’s, our history curriculum is designed to allow children to develop as historians. We want them to use historical skills to understand chronology, refer to timelines, and interpret/evaluate sources of evidence. Children will be motivated to discover the influence of history on Britain and the wider world. They will develop a well-rounded knowledge of past events with the intention to improve their knowledge of the world around them and their heritage. 


The history curriculum is overseen by The History Lead, who will regularly monitor, evaluate, and celebrate good practice. Along with teaching staff, The History Lead will contribute and commit to improving history teaching throughout the school. 

  • In KS1, children will develop historical knowledge with a focus on local history, the world around them and their living memory. This will be expanded to events beyond living memory in order to form a baseline for KS2. 
  • Mixed classes in KS2 will work on a four year cycle with different topics being completed each year. Classes 3,4 and 5 will focus on the same topics however, lessons will vary based upon the intended progression for each year group. 
  • Where possible, each yearly cycle will consist of an aspect of ancient history, British history and a post 1066 topic. These will remain in chronological order from the Autumn to the Summer terms. Links will be made with history outside of Britain with significant aspects of history from the wider world: Ancient civilisations, non-European societies, achievements and follies of humankind. 
  • Skills such as chronological understanding, historical enquiry, use/interpretation of primary and secondary sources and knowledge of people and changes within the past. 
  • Cross-Curricular links will be made where appropriate to allow the teaching of history to influence the wider curriculum in an exciting and motivating way. 
  • Knowledge and understanding of events, people and changes in the past, connection and Historical Links, interpretations of History, historical Enquiry.  


  • Children will become increasingly critical and analytical in their thinking. Making informed and balanced judgements based on their knowledge of the past.  
  • Children will become increasingly aware of how historical events have shaped the world that they currently live in.  
  • They will also have a further understanding of History at a local level. 
  • Children will develop enquiry skills to pursue their own interests within a topic and further questioning.  
  • Children leaving St Cuthbert’s, will know more, understand more and remember more about history.  They will have developed a secure knowledge of people, events and contexts from the historical periods covered and develop the ability to think and write like an historian. 

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