Our Mini Vinnies are a small group of 8 children (from Year 2-6) who follow the teachings and example of St Vincent De Paul. We meet every two weeks to discuss a scripture passage and think about how we can show the same love, patience, charity and kindness to improve our school and community.

Take a look at some of the fantastic things that our Mini Vinnies have achieved already:

Sister Martha, a Headteacher from Nigeria came to visit our school and tell us about education in Nigeria. She told us about how few resources her school had and how lucky we are at St Cuthbert’s. We prayed together about being thankful for all we have and then our Mini Vinnies donated some of our library books to give to Sister’s school. We also have their contact information so we can keep in contact and help even more!

Mini Vinnies created a Fairtrade tuck shop that runs every Friday. They first led an assembly with the whole school to explain why supporting Fairtrade is important and how it encourages a fair and just society.

Mini Vinnies helped to prepare prayers and a fun outdoor learning opportunity for KS1. They thought about how the planet is a gift from God that is good. KS1 learned how we should appreciate the Earth and be thankful stewards of our environment.